Periodic Review Requirement 624-05-15-80
(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)
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All children in foster care (including children on trial home visits), including those in the custody of the Division of Juvenile Services, will come under the review of the Foster Care Child & Family Team meetings (permanency planning), but the review frequency will differ depending on how long the child has been in care in a specific placement. At a minimum, the committee will review every three months the cases of all Foster Care children.
The initial case plan (Permanency Planning Committee Initial Report on CCWIPS) and Single Plan of Care (SPOC) must be completed within 30 days of initial placement. Most healthy newborn infants would not require a follow-up permanency plan (documented in the Permanency Planning Committee Progress Report on CCWIPS) unless they remain in foster care three (3) months beyond the initial case plan.
The Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) provides tightened time frames for children in foster care, twelve-month disposition hearings, filing of petitions for termination of parental rights when a child has been in foster care a certain period of time, and an emphasis on moving the child into adoption, relative care, guardianship, or alternate permanent setting quickly.
(Refer to 641-30-10 for SPOC timeframes.)